Environmental Management System

FY2022 Environmental Management System Implementation Plan (Result)

Evaluation : 100% (○); 50-100% (△); below 50% (×)

Climate change actions: Reduce GHG emissions

FY2022 Environmental Goal Activity Plan Verification Result Evaluation
20% reduction in CO2 emissions per transportation unit (ton-mile) by 2030 from 2019 level
  • Promote efficient operations in organizations on land
  • Promote efficient onboard operations
  • Make plans for developing new ship design and installing improved equipment
  • Use chemical additives or other materials to enhance fuel efficiency
Achieved an 7.83% reduction from 2019
(for target period from January to December)
  • Achieved efficient vessel allocation, mainly by reducing the number of days for ballast voyage and optimizing the load capacity
  • Conducted the trial use of biofuels
  • In the process of holding discussions for ommercialization of ammonia-fueled vessels
  • Conducted research on vessels with hard sails
  • Considered adoption of energy-saving technologies
  • Introduced internal carbon pricing systems
  • Considered purchasing carbon credits
Formulate plans for achieving IMO GHG emissions reduction targets
  • Create a roadmap to improve fuel efficiency by 20% by 2030 compared with 2019
  • Respond to EEXI regulations
  • In the process of creating plans for achieving GHG emissions reduction targets
  • Calculated EEXI values and implemented engine power limitation (EPL) and considered introducing energy-saving devices (ESDs)
Obtain ISO 14064 certification
  • Create and submit the GHG emissions calculation report
  • Obtained certification for GHG emissions in 2021
Implement actions to help customers and society with reducing GHG emissions
  • Proactively offer proposals to customers for reducing Scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions, and conduct related hearings and other surveys
  • Conducted the trial use of biofuels jointly with customers
  • Conducted information sharing with customers and heard from them on environment-related topics
  • Conducted onboard check for discharging imported HBI

Promotion of safe navigation (prevention of pollution):
Protecting the marine environment and conserving biodiversity

FY2022 Environmental Goal Activity Plan Verification Result Evaluation
Achieve zero oil spill from vessels (regardless of oil amount)
  • Promote safe navigation of vessels
  • Perform safe bunkering and oil transfer procedures
  • Safely perform maintenance work with the risk of causing an oil spill from vessels
  • Prevent oil spills from deck at anchorage and berth
LSFO (5ℓ) spill from a chartered vessel during fuel supply in Shanghai
  • Ensuring compliance with safety management manuals
  • Safety campaigns including distribution of video messages and collecting opinions from vessels under our management
  • Sending sailing instructions and email to help operating vessels apply measures to prevent oil spills
  • Sending pre-delivery reminders
Manage ballast water properly
  • Ensure proper Ballast water management through exchange of ballast water in compliance with the rules of the relevant port, or using ballast water treatment systems
  • Respond to the enforcement of the Ballast water Management Convention
  • Exchanged ballast water in compliance with rules of the relevant port
  • Gave an order to shift to ballast water management methods using ballast water treatment systems even for vessels not subject to the Ballast Water Management Convention D-2 Standard
  • Conducted ballast water treatment system retrofit for two vessels (three remaining)

Air quality conservation (prevention of pollution): Preventing air pollution

FY2022 Environmental Goal Activity Plan Verification Result Evaluation
Implement the Green Flag Incentive Program for vessels calling at Long Beach Port in the US (100%)
  • Sailing at 12 knots or less within 40 miles of the port
  • Instructed 4 vessels (1 from Energy Group/3 from Tramp Chartering Group) calling at the port appropriately
Prevent use of low-quality (off-spec) fuel oil
  • Perform fuel oil analyses
  • Use low-sulfur fuel oil in specified waters
  • Checked BDN and performed analysis for each fuel supply
  • Ensured use of low-sulfur fuel oil when sailing in specified waters (ECA area)
  • Applied the scrubber for use of high-sulfur fuel oil in order to comply with the relevant rules

Resource saving and waste reduction: Conserving resources

FY2022 Environmental Goal Activity Plan Verification Result Evaluation
Keep per-capita paper consumption at or below the previous level
  • Promote reduction through switching to electronic data materials
  • Promote reduction through power-saving printing
  • Promote paperless operations by utilizing vessel management software
  • Started operating document management software from November, and switched to electronic formatting for vouchers and other accounting documents
  • Started to introduce the new vessel management software
  • Considered switching to electronic formatting for checklists
Implement power-saving measures
  • Encourage efforts to turn the power off for lighting, PCs, and machinery when not in use
  • Implement power-saving measures, such as saving unneeded lighting, in response to power supply shortages
  • Promote the Cool Biz campaign and other summer power-saving activities
  • Appropriately implemented
Promote recycling activities
  • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations as well as rules of office buildings for waste disposal/separation
  • Promote recycling of packaging materials for ship supplies
  • Gave guidance in writing on waste disposal/separation by division
  • Returned unneeded packaging materials to the supplier

Environmental education: Raising environmental awareness

FY2022 Environmental Goal Activity Plan Verification Result Evaluation
Conduct employee education
  • Set programs as part of new employee training curriculum
  • Utilize group meetings (including online sessions) to provide internal education programs (at least four times a year)
  • Internally distribute information related to environmental conservation
  • Carried out appropriate programs to raise environmental awareness as part of new employee training and group/team meetings
  • Distributed environment-related information materials and conducted employee awareness surveys
Conduct pre-boarding seminars (100%)
  • Achieve full implementation in cooperation with manning companies
  • Implemented online seminars
Conduct onboard education and training for crews (once a year on each vessel)
  • Provide education during visit to vessels under our management
  • Conducted relevant programs utilizing opportunities for remote vessel audit/inspection
Hold Shipboard Safety and Health Committee meetings (once a month)
  • Share updates and issues related to environmental conservation at Shipboard Safety and Health Committee meetings
  • Held the meeting every month on all vessels.

FY2023 Environmental Management System Implementation Plan

Climate change actions: Reduce GHG emissions

FY2023 Environmental Goal Activity Plan
20% reduction in CO2 emissions per transportation unit (ton-mile) by 2030 from 2019 level
  • Promote efficient operations in organizations on land
  • Promote efficient onboard operations
  • Make plans for developing new ship design and installing improved equipment
  • Use chemical additives or other materials to enhance fuel efficiency
Formulate plans for achieving IMO GHG emissions reduction targets
  • Create a roadmap to improve fuel efficiency by 20% by 2030 compared with 2019
  • Respond to EEXI regulations
Use low global warming potential refrigerants
  • Replace refrigerants of refrigerators and air conditioners
Implement actions to help customers and society with reducing GHG emissions 
  • Proactively offer proposals to customers for reducing Scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions, and conduct related hearings and other surveys

Promotion of safe navigation (prevention of pollution): Protecting the marine environment and conserving biodiversity

FY2023 Environmental Goal Activity Plan
Achieve zero oil spill from vessels (regardless of oil amount)
  • Promote safe navigation of vessels
  • Perform safe bunkering and oil transfer procedures
  • Safely perform maintenance work with the risk of causing an oil spill from vessels
  • Prevent oil spills from deck at anchorage and berth
Manage ballast water properly
  • Ensure proper Ballast water management through exchange of ballast water in compliance with the rules of the relevant port, or using ballast water treatment systems
  • Respond to the enforcement of the Ballast water Management Convention

Air quality conservation (prevention of pollution): Preventing air pollution

FY2023 Environmental Goal Activity Plan
Implement the Green Flag Incentive Program for vessels calling at Long Beach Port in the US (100%)
  • Sailing at 12 knots or less within 40 miles of the port
Comply with SOx emissions regulations
  • Use low-sulfur fuel oil in specified waters
Comply with NOx emissions regulations
  • Respond to Tier III NOx regulations for specified waters

Resource saving and waste reduction: Conserving resources

FY2023 Environmental Goal Activity Plan
Keep per-capita paper consumption at or below the previous level
  • Promote reduction through switching to electronic data materials
  • Promote reduction through power-saving printing
  • Promote paperless operations by utilizing vessel management software
Implement power-saving measures
  • Encourage efforts to turn the power off for lighting, PCs, and machinery when not in use
  • Implement power-saving measures, such as saving unneeded lighting, in response to power supply shortages
  • Promote the Cool Biz campaign and other summer power-saving activities
Promote recycling activities
  • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations as well as rules of office buildings for waste disposal/separation
  • Promote recycling of packaging materials for ship supplies

Environmental education: Raising environmental awareness

FY2023 Environmental Goal Activity Plan
Conduct employee education
  • Set programs as part of new employee training curriculum
  • Utilize group meetings (including online sessions) to provide internal education programs (at least four times a year)
  • Internally distribute information related to environmental conservation
Conduct pre-boarding seminars (100%)
  • Achieve full implementation in cooperation with manning companies
Conduct onboard education and training for crews (once a year on each vessel)
  • Provide education during visit to vessels under our management
Hold Shipboard Safety and Health Committee meetings (once a month)
  • Share updates and issues related to environmental conservation at Shipboard Safety and Health Committee meetings